Seven Nü-Metal Bands That Should Be Inducted Into The Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame

Seven Nü-Metal Bands That Should Be Inducted Into The Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame

04/02/2022 0 By Matt Gwinnutt

Time to get out your wallet chains and JNCO jeans. The post appeared first on Metal Injection.

Source: Seven Nü-Metal Bands That Should Be Inducted Into The Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame

So, what is the significance of these seven bands? For two key reasons. The first is that they have withstood the test of time and have influenced a whole new generation of artists. The second point is that they were successful in their prime and continue to be so today (in varying capacities). They are performers whose names have become synonymous with a specific era of time, even among others who aren’t fans of the genre. This isn’t to suggest that they’re the only seven bands of their generation who deserve it, but they’re surely among the big ones.

It’s also worth mentioning that these bands are no longer nü-metal (and loathe the label) but enjoyed their initial wave of fame at the time and with that content.

See who these bands are in the link below!

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